A place for citizens to meet, share, learn and co-create.



Don’t miss any of our events:

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Upcoming events

  • September 30th: The Bees Coop celebrate their 5 year anniversary. More info.

Regular events


  • Propose an event!



  • Crypto Wednesday (every first Wednesday of the month) @ 7pm - 10pm | Meetup.com


  • Hatha Yoga @ 7pm - 8pm 🧘‍♀️
  • Morph Assembly - Fusion Dance @ 6:45pm - 8:15pm  Facebook

If you want to organise an event, get in touch: discord.citizencorner.brussels

Past events

May 19-20: Regens Unite (invitation only) | https://regensunite.earth 

May 30th: CITIZENS: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us with author Jon Alexander. Free. RSVP.

24-25-26/02 à 20h La Bim impro festival see event here

12-13/03 Brussels African Market

2022 March

Friday March 25th: Arrival of the Critical Mass


2021 November

28/11/2021 16.00-21.00  Bar d'hiver/Winter Bar

Friday November 12th

(Crypto) Art inspires change with Rob Hopkins and Cryptoart.brussels @ 7:30pm | Meetup.com | Facebook | Tickets on Eventbrite

Wednesday November 3rd

Crypto Wednesday


2021 October

Friday October 29th

Arrival of the Critical Mass Brussels (video)

Tuesday October 26th

Roller Disco

Sunday October 24th

Inauguration exhibition Connecting Cultures

Saturday October 23nd

Rommelmarkt/Brocante (video)

Wednesday October 6th

Crypto Wednesday (Axie Infinity, Belgian Beer Heritage NFT project)  | Meetup.com | Facebook | LinkedIn

2021 September

Tuesday September 28th

Roller Disco

Thursday September 16th

“Blockchain, an infinite array of opportunities to be grabbed by daring entrepreneurs + 2 other talks”
Facebook event - Meetup.com

2021 June

Wednesday June 30th

Blockchain Brussels Meetup: Bitcoin and Blockchain introduction (Meetup event)

Saturday June 26th

Citizen Corner Opening Fair (Facebook event)